Let’s face it. Desktop backgrounds - or desktop wallpapers - are super cool. Having an awesome desktop background will make you the envy of your friends and coworkers. Nothing says how hard you are like a background of a cute kitty. If you don’t have a unique desktop background you aren’t a real computer user.

Desktop backgrounds show others who you are, without saying anything. Having a single color background demonstrates your minimalism. A background with a Winston Churchill quote may explain to others why you care about their attitude. Using the standard background that comes with your computer tells others you don’t know how to operate a computer.

Every time I see the standard image as a background, I die a little inside. I won’t explain how to change your background, because if you don’t know how to Google it, you should return your computer from where you got it.

Malware sites in the past used desktop background sites for distributing malware. Potential victims would search Google for cool desktop backgrounds and the results would have sites that contained malware. We may see a rise in desktop background sites distributing malware because of high resolution backgrounds and retina displays.

Even virus authors think unique desktop backgrounds are cool. The Ikee worm would change an iPhone’s background to a picture of Rick Astley with the phrase, “ikee is never going to give you up.” Hopefully malware writers will use high resolution images, so they look amazing on a retina display.

Kaspersky, an antivirus company, didn’t want virus authors to have all the fun, so, they released some backgrounds with fun virus facts.

Hopefully Kaspersky doesn’t require their employees to use these backgrounds. Enforcing a corporate background is lame. I agree with Herbert Kornfeld, Ted Wegerle telling you to use the standard office-wide desktop background is wack.

I don’t know if desktop wallpapers can blow up your computer. But, I love cool desktop wallpapers and this post is an excuse to tell you about my github repository of cool desktop wallpapers. I’d love to get pull requests of any awesome backgrounds you’ve created. Share it with me. If it’s cool enough I’ll use it as my desktop background.

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